hi, my name is gigi,

and i live with


It took me five years to get diagnosed (shout out to the Cleveland Clinic) - and what else is new? Along the way, I noticed plenty of educational resources about what dysautonomia is, medications available, lifestyle adjustments, and providers… but, there wasn’t much in the way of connection.

With so many with dysautonomia ending up stuck at home, the isolation can be grueling. I want to create a space for those with dysautonomia to connect like humans. Resources are cool, but connection is valuable, too.

I created wtfisdys to hold space for people like us.

who am i?

I am not a licensed mental health professional. I am not a medical professional. I am not any kind of professional.

In my past life, I was an academic and small business owner. I have experience as a human anatomy teacher, a Pilates instructor, a massage therapist, and a life coach.

Currently, I’m a 30 y.o. gal with a funky nervous system relearning how to live with POTS, orthostatic hypertension, SFN, MCAS, Long COVID, and EDS. I’m taking it one step at a time.

I hope to share what I’ve learned, help some people, and gain new friends.

Please note that this entire page, including the WTFISDYS social offerings, is managed by me - an individual with dysautonomia. There are likely to be delays, typos, and snafus. I appreciate your patience.