Medical Disclaimer / TOS
The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute professional medical advice or a substitute for consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. As a patient sharing personal experiences and research, I am not a licensed medical professional.
Educational Purpose: The information presented here aims to educate and raise awareness about dysautonomia and its comorbidities. It is based on my personal experiences, research, and insights.
Consult a Professional: Always consult a healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health. This includes seeking advice on symptoms, treatments, supplements, or any other medical concerns. Your individual situation may require personalized guidance.
No Diagnosis or Treatment: I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. Any information provided should not be interpreted as a diagnosis or treatment plan. Always rely on the expertise of qualified medical practitioners.
Risk and Responsibility: By using this website, participating in our virtual peer support group, joining our Discord server, or engaging in the Penpal program, you acknowledge that you assume full responsibility for your interactions. I disclaim any liability for actions or viewpoints expressed by individuals in these programs.
Variability and Updates: Medical knowledge evolves, and individual responses vary. Content may become outdated or inaccurate over time. Always verify information with current medical sources.
Non-Profit and Literature Sources: I include information from relevant non-profits and literature. However, their views do not necessarily reflect my own, and I encourage users to explore multiple perspectives.
Virtual Peer Support Group: As part of our community, we offer a virtual peer support group where individuals with dysautonomia can connect, share experiences, and provide emotional support. Please note that this group is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice.
By accessing this website, you agree to these terms.